Most people have a favorite color, but your favorite may not be the best one for your wardrobe. Everyone has a unique group of colors that makes them look their best and another that makes them look their worst. Coordinating the right colors together makes the difference between a stunning outfit and an ugly one.
Determine your skin's undertone. You will want to mostly stick to colors that match your undertone. While there are many different skin tones, there are only two undertones: warm and cool. Warm skin has a yellow or orange tint, while cool skin has a blue or pale pink one.

There are two main ways to figure out which category applies to you.
Vein test: Look at the veins on your wrist or palm. People with warm undertones have green-looking veins, while people with cool undertones have veins that are blue or purple.
Jewelry test: Under natural light, wear a silver bracelet on one wrist and a gold one on the other. Look at each hand and figure out which enhances your complexion better. If it's gold, your undertones are warm. If silver looks best, your undertones are cool.

Learn how to tell if a color is warm or cool. A rule of thumb is that warm colors have a yellow tint, while cool colors have a blue one. Understanding this dichotomy takes practice.
A general list of warm & cool colors:
Warm: reds, oranges, yellows, yellow greens
Cool: true greens, blues, purples

Keep your skin's shade in mind. In addition to your undertones, your main skin tone can also determine which color families look best. A good rule of thumb is that colors that create a contrast in brightness with your skin are more flattering. If your skin is dark, saturated oranges and yellows almost always look great, even if your undertone is cool. Likewise, bold "jewel tones" like emerald, ruby, and amethyst flatter paler skin regardless of undertone.

Wear tops and scarves that bring out the color in your eyes. If you want to make your eyes "pop," make sure a flattering color is near them. You will want to pick either a color that matches your eyes closely or one that produces the greatest contrast. Deep reds also bring out the richness of brown eyes and serve as a stunning complement to pale eyes.

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